Extend the useful life or your Battery! You would not buy new tires simply because the tread had worn half way. So why would you replace your batteries when they still have service life left? We believe the answer is lack of confidence! If, on occasion, the battery you relied upon would not start your engine, you would be inclined to replace it due to the lack of confidence in its performance, even though, in reality, it may still have a year or more of performance left. With a backup battery, a Hellroaring Battery Isolator/Combiner BIC-95300B, and Remote Module, you can have that confidence back! You could simply add water and clean your connections, and be assured that if it failed again, you will have starting power (even in cold weather!) Often, you will find that by doing so, you can operate with that "poor" battery for another year or more. You couldn't do that and have reliable transportation on a single battery system. Your backup battery will have a very long life expectancy because it will normally not be cycled and will stay fully charged. When your main battery reaches a point where it just will not perform any more, you can move your backup battery to your main battery location and then buy a new backup battery. With this system, you can get a reasonable life and performance out of low cost batteries. In cold weather, for example, two low cost 540 CCA batteries combined is equivalent to one expensive 1080 CCA battery in terms of cranking ability. The difference is that, in warm weather, one low cost 540 CCA battery may be all that is needed. Therefore, only one 540 CCA battery need be cycled. With a small investment in this system, it will pay you back several times over the years. No other system in such a compact package can extend the life of low cost batteries with automatic backup power. Compare the different systems shown below: