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Hellroaring Sales

To purchase a Hellroaring BIC, SSR, or other product, we have several easy options.  Simply use one of the methods below: 

Phone: Call and place your order using your credit card.  (406) 883-3801
e-mail: Send e-mail with the details of your order, and follow-up with a phone call with your credit card information, or email your order information or PO attached as a pdf file. Contact via email.

Copy the form below (or download the Order Form in PDF format) or write the information required and send a cashiers check, money order, or credit card information to:

Hellroaring Technologies, inc.
PO Box 1521
Polson, MT 59860


Payment Method Allow for shipment
Personal Check Sorry, Not Accepted
Cashiers Check or Money Order Typically within 3 business Days
Credit Card   (Visa or MasterCard) Typically Ships on Next business Day
Purchase Order (business accounts)** Ships as promised
COD    (may be available - call) Ships in 1 to 3 business Days
Cash Do not send!
** Requires business account credit approval.


Click on this form for the .pdf file








* Our standard shipping/handling charge is listed on the order form for shipping in the USA lower 48 states.   For orders requiring shipment via air, shipping charges are as quoted by UPS or FedEx plus 3% rounded up to the nearest dollar.  UPS-Ground is standard (USPS Priority Mail to HI, and AK) unless otherwise specified.   For International shipments, call or send e-mail request for shipping charges.   USPS Priority Mail International is our standard shipment method for International Shipments including Canada.  Shipment via USPS or Fed-Ex may be available.

Make Checks/MO for the total amount payable to Hellroaring Technologies, inc.

Immediate shipments are subject to stock on hand.   Call or e-mail for stock status.  Time stated is for shipment only. In some cases, shipment can be made on the same day as the order.  Actual delivery depends on carrier transit times..

Phone orders are now accepted during the following business hours:

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Mountain Standard Time Monday through Friday
(14:00 to 23:00 UTC*) *Coordinated Universal Time
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. MST / 15:00 to 20:00 UTC* Mountain Standard Time / (UTC) Saturday


For order status, or for technical support, or for Sales questions, send an email to the link on the bottom of this page.

All sales are subject to our standard terms and conditions, our return policy, and our standard BIC Warranty, or SSR Warranty.


Contact Information

For General Information, Sales, Technical or Customer Support:

Telephone: 406-883-3801
Postal address: P.O. Box 1521, Polson, MT 59860
Electronic mail: sales23@hellroaring.com
Sales/Pricing info: Sales page

Privacy Statement

We have the utmost respect for your privacy.  We do not collect information from you other than that required for us to conduct business and communicate with you.   We do not sell, share, nor distribute any information or addresses collected from you.  We do not create nor use mass mailing lists.  We communicate with you one to one and utilize Phone or voice mail if necessary and e-mail.   We do not use automated, time consuming, non-personalized phone systems.  We ask for and obtain your permission prior to using any communication quoted in our marketing information. 

Send mail to sales23@hellroaring.com with your orders, questions, or comments.

Copyright 1998-2023    Hellroaring Technologies, inc.
Last modified: 10-31-2023