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Cold Weather Starting Boost

When temperatures reach below 0 degrees F, the cranking power loss in the battery becomes significant.   At the same time, the cranking load from the engine becomes significantly greater.   As temperature drops further, a point is reached where even a fully charged battery will not supply enough power to crank your engine.   This problem is sometimes overcome by using an overnight engine block heater.   But, sometimes you don't have access to the electrical power for the heater such as when in a parking lot or when you are in the field hunting.

In the Rocky Mountains, for example, you could be in a hunting camp when a storm comes through, dropping the temperature by 50 degrees F.    This can be a dangerous situation if you can't crank your engine!    If you live in a cold climate and spend time in remote outdoors, or don't always have access to heater power, then you need the added security of the Hellroaring BIC-95300B and a dual battery Backup battery setup.   When the Hellroaring Battery Isolator/Combiner remote switch is ON, the Backup battery supplies additional power to crank the engine.  


Warm Weather Backup Start

When you are camping, sometimes you leave your trailer in the campground and head for your favorite fishing spot in a remote area.   You arrive at your spot and fish until dusk.   Upon returning to your vehicle, you discover your vehicle won't crank.   You hadn't noticed that your alternator had quit working yesterday.   So all that time driving around you were draining your battery.    Now you are in a pickle.

You could have prepared for this situation by installing a Backup battery in your vehicle (remember, you no longer have your trailer battery with you).    By installing a Hellroaring BIC-95300B, your backup battery would be fully charged.

This gives you options without help from the outside world.

If you hooked up the standard remote switch feature, you can switch ON the Backup battery to your system and be able to crank your gasoline engine (and drive for about 2 hours with no lights or accessories on).
If your remote switch feature is not hooked up, you could open your hood and connect a small, short jumper wire from the "remote switch" terminal to the "Backup battery" terminal on the BIC unit.    Proceed as in option 1 above.
If the above options fail to crank your engine, then it is very likely you may have a problem other than your battery.   Anyway, as a last resort, you can swap batteries (assuming you also have the tools you need).
If you want the convenience of being able to fully crank your gasoline engine with a backup battery, we recommend using a BIC-95300B configured for high current with heavy gauge (one 2 or 4 AWG wire from the starter solenoid (or main battery +) to the BIC, and one 2 or 4 AWG wire from the BIC to the backup battery with a 150A fuse at one or both ends), and with a Remote Module.  Diesel Engines that require two main start batteries would require 2 BIC-95300B units wired in parallel and two Backup batteries for Backup starting.

With the Hellroaring BIC-95300B and an backup battery, you will soon be on your way and a "hell of a situation" avoided.



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Telephone: 406-883-3801
Postal address: P.O. Box 1521, Polson, MT 59860
Electronic mail: sales23@hellroaring.com
Sales/Pricing info: Sales page

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Copyright 1998-2023    Hellroaring Technologies, inc.
Last modified: 10-31-2023